Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday, continued

Lunch was at the local coffee shop in Ingram —pretty much the only one, Spirit Wind Java, but that's okay by me. The only trendy/cool-looking people I've met in Kerr County work there. I would consider Katie, who I met there for my veggie sandwich on wheat and blackberry iced tea, definitely on the cool spectrum of things. It was good. I seem to get so lucky in the way of friendships.

Dinner consisted of a couple of slices of Allison's amazing veggie pizza topped with parmesan, artichoke hearts, black olives, tomato, onion, and basil— camp food at CFA is sublime! And on the side cucumbers, carrots, and celery with Allison's homemade hummus, some strawberry punch and water, and five (five) servings of meringue with berries, kiwi, and grapes.

Exercise— well, I gardened in the morning and got my herbs and tomatoes going in their pots. After lunch and a plant seminar at the feed store, I grabbed the materials to build an 8x8 foot raised garden, including soil. So the rest of my afternoon was spent chucking fifteen 40 - 50 pound bags of compost, garden mix, and native soil out of the car, over the back fence, and spread out in the garden. That was work.

And after supper, Polly and her golden puppy, Remi, Hopalong, Georgia (the Boston Terrier we're puppysitting) and Atticus the Norwegian Forest Cat and I all went on a nice hour-long night hike.

So at the minute, I'm in a contented state of being sore and satiated. :} *burp*

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