Monday, April 26, 2010

Taking the proverbial Health Bandwagon Reins

That's right. I'm not just going for the ride anymore, I'm taking the reins.

What does that entail? A hell of a lot more work, but I'm going for it. I have a two week meal plan, that I'm sure I'll modify to an extent (already did!) but it will be a HUGE major change. I already had a few items on the grocery list (tuna, salt/pepper, cheese, etc.) and overall the two week grocery list of fresh foods cost a total of just under $110. ~$55 a week for foods, well, probably a little less due to the fact that some of the foods will last longer than the week or two (black bean burgers, cereal, tofu, black beans, cheese, nuts, etc) and some of the packaging was more than the suggested.

Here's today's plan, minus breakfast due to the fact I went grocery shopping at 11am, way past breakfast time!
Lunch: Grilled black bean burger with low-fat swiss cheese slice, tomato slice, and Boston leaf lettuce. Side: orange. Modifications: provolone cheese instead of swiss, and a THIN spread of mayo made with olive oil (DELICIOUS!) Substituted red seedless grapes for the orange due to the oranges being not quite ripe.
Results: delicious, took less than 5 minutes to put together, and I couldn't finish the grapes because I was so full!
Dinner: Is going to be amazing. Salmon and artichoke quesadilla's with fresh all natural salmon. I was supposed to get fresh wild Alaskan salmon, but it was like $21.99/lb so I went with the fresh all natural salmon which is obviously not wild, but is supposed to be preservative, additive, antibiotic and growth hormone free.

Grocery list, and meal plan is from Clean Eating Magazine and I am excited to get healthier and hopefully combine this with my workout routine and lose some weight!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bad News

I just ate an entire pint of Blue Bell Happy Tracks.
Approximately 900 calories and I don't want to know how many grams of sugar, or fat, or whatever.
Soft food diets are not good for weight loss.
At least for me, when I'm pouting.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


While waiting for my prescriptions I was browsing the magazines a few days ago. I found a magazine called "eating clean" and decided to purchase. It has a couple grocery lists and meal plans for more than one week for a single adult- ME!

It was only $4 and depending on the cost of the groceries (and as soon as I can eat solid foods) I think I am going to give it a real shot. It says to expect to lose upwards of 14lbs but it boasts healthy, clean (not completely sure what that means but whatever) foods and I could use a little more health and clean in my life right now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Forced weight loss

The one thing I will say is not eating generally leads to weight loss.

Seeing as my jaw is not functioning appropriately, I have been subsisting on smoothies, eggs, baked potatoes (mashed up), and yogurt. I feel like I've lost a little weight, but will probably continue that trend over at least the next week.

Been working out at least twice a week and trying (and failing) to wake up earlier to take oscar for walks.

Work has been 45-50 hours a week, but with the new car payment and additional student loans coming in the overtime pay is much welcomed.

I'm about to ingest some serious drugs (steroids for anti-inflammation and pain meds) so we will see how that goes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Ate about 1700 calories today. And that was actually very very difficult. Tracking them does put it into perspective. The perspective being, "those little tiny Easter Rolo candies are remarkably pricey when it comes to calorie content."

I didn't really exercise, save for scampering around for riding lessons, trying to show the girls how to run the cup race. (I was on foot. They were not.)

In other news, looking at pictures of our Easter vacation made me want to cry for two reasons— (1) It wasn't long enough, and I want to go back. And (2) I almost don't recognize myself. I have cellulite. I never really had cellulite to speak of before. My legs were one of my favorite features. They are reminiscent of gelatin now.

I don't think blame can be placed on consistent birth control pills, but it would be nice to.
I suck!

Also starting to use my iPod app again for tracking calories.

Gotten fat.

But can still hike like a mofo; found that out on Easter and pretty much destroyed my feet.

Was good today.

Just depressed at my size.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Step by step

My budget was rearranged recently to allow for the purchase of a car. The majority of cuts were in dining out and personal training. Although I will be hopefully ending the personal training gig soon ($140/month I just can't justify), I will HOPEFULLY be able to keep up the routine of going to the gym.
The budget cuts in food has kept me actively eating at home (yay!) and my diet is consisting of a lot more baked russet and sweet potatoes, and as soon as I can convince myself to go to the grocery it will also include more rice and beans, and cheap poor people food. Like spaghetti-o's. Not healthy I know but $450/mo (including insurance!) is a LOT of money. The dent in my savings the down payment made definitely left some tears in my eyes. But I'll probably be saving well over $100/mo in gas (we're doing at least 30mpg right now, compared to the suzuki's 16-18).
Food choices have been so/so but my pants are fitting looser and I'm feeling a little better.
Really really trying to keep the coffee and soda to a minimum not only for my budget but for my health!